Our Services
Trauma gets trapped in the body and triggering events can associate themselves in our neuralpathways if they have not been processed appropriately. This is a scientifically proven understanding and is the concept that Seeking Minds works with when engaging with therapy and EMDR.
Through a mixture of psychotherapy, EMDR (Please see EMDR section in services) and neuroscience, our therapists work with core themes and processing memories in order to restore full health. Seeking Minds views therapy as a relationship and that the therapy space is a microcosm of the macrocosm which exists outside of it. Therapy may not be easy but it also does not always need to be solemn.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss your therapeutic needs and if we are the right fit for you.
EMDR is an evidence-based mental health treatment technique that supports the processing of traumatic memories. EMDR is quickly becoming recognised around the world as a leading practice to manage traumatic memories and support a decreased negative association that exists in a person’s life and free them of old stories that we tell ourselves.
Seeking Minds employs experienced and qualified EMDR practitioners to support the work with our most vulnerable clients. Seeking Minds Founder Mark Colletti has also had tremendous success using mixed modalities of EMDR and Psychotherapy to promote wellness in clients.
EMDR can be utilised to:
Process memories of Sexual Assault
Process memories of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation
Support post-accident recovery
Process memories from childhood
Process relational contact styles which may no longer be useful
Increase understanding of maladaptive coping strategies
Please call for a quick consultation if you would like to find out more about how EMDR can support you.
Mental health or physical disabilities can be difficult to navigate when there is not enough external and internal support. Seeking Minds is dedicated to supporting NDIS participants to increase their capacity through psychotherapy, therapeutic life story work, EMDR and safety planning. We can support NDIS participants with capacity-building activities that may be experiencing the below:
Treatment-resistant depression
Grief and loss
Schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia and drug-induced schizophrenia
Trauma therapy
Disability because of an incident
Seeking Minds can also provide tailored and specific training and psychoeducation to care teams or individuals to support capacity building of an NDIS participant they are working with.
Please contact us if you would like to see if we are the right fit for you and if we can be an effective part of your journey.
Seeking Minds understands the pressure of running a small or big company or organisation. We also understand that sometimes we need to take a helicopter view when assessing organisational constraints and difficulties. If your business is going through significant change, experiencing a low retainment or complex workplace cultures your business may benefit from a consultation with Seeking Minds. We specialise in managing workplace change and conflict resolution and can provide guidance or support the implementation of change so that everyone including the senior management team in your workplace can feel safe.
Please enquire for an initial free consultation to see how we can support your business.
Reflective practice is a form of group supervision and processing that supports organisations/ teams/groups to engage with each other from a relational perspective. All too often we find ourselves in our individual processes and forget about the team or common goal that exists around us. Reflective practice is a fantastic tool for managing a multitude of situations that may come up in the work being done or in a clinical space.
Reflective practices generally run for 1.5 hours and use a variety of methodologies from group work, group activity, group therapy, and debriefing to achieve the desired outcome. This is a fantastic space to support your teams to come together, debrief and realign through complexity. All our practitioners have a depth of experience in delivering reflective practices and are passionate about meeting your business’ needs to achieve the best outcomes.
Please enquire with Seeking Minds for a free initial discussion to see how we can support your business.
Mark Colletti is an experienced supervisor with over a decade of experience in the Mental Health sector. Mark adopts a progressive approach and he is passionate about supporting other practitioners to become the best that they can be.
Looking at our own work as clinicians can often make us vulnerable and even make us feel fraudulent. Fortunately, this is a very healthy part of constantly reframing our narrative and practice. By bringing curiosity into supervision, our own core themes, and practice frameworks, we are able to holistically look at our work and celebrate our work whilst also retuning its growing edges.
Please enquire with Seeking Minds Australia for an initial discussion to see how we can support your practice.
Therapeutic Life Story Work (TLSW) supports children, young people, the elderly and people with a disability with their sense of identity, emotional well-being and relationship building. By understanding our past stories, we can truly understand our themes, how we came to be in this world, and how we find ourselves interacting with others. TLSW is a powerful therapeutic treatment technique that can fit the puzzle pieces together to support our clients to feel safer and more engaged in their life.